Mumbai (HO) | New Delhi | Chennai | Kolkata | Hyderabad | Ankleshwar
About Us
Established in 1997, since then Tritech has been supplying Quality Gas Detectors. The Prompt and efficient service back up provided by us throughout India has become Industry bench mark.
Tritech is Sole Authorised Sales & Service representative of world’s leading Gas Detector manufacturer "Riken Keiki Co. Ltd. Japan". Riken is more than 70 year old company. In colaboration we have entire range of Portable and Fixed (online) Gas Detectors, Transmitters, Sampling System that fulfills most gas detection needs of Industry.
Tritech also represents following
- RKI instruments USA, an American subsidiary of Riken Keiki.
- Fellow Kogyo Co. Ltd, Japan for 15 PPM Bilge Alarm.
- Sentech Corporation, Korea for Alcohol Breath Analysers
Our head office is in Mumbai and have regional offices in New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Ankleshwar. Also we are represented by dedicated sales and service agents in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Our Products
- Multi Channel Fixed/Online tailor made Gas Detection System for various Flammable, Toxic and Oxygen Gas.
- Single Channel Monitor for various Flammable, Toxic and Oxygen Gas.
- Smart Gas Transmitters with Local display, Relay contact and RS-485 communication output.
- SCADA based Gas System with Specially designed Trilog software for Mimic and Data logging.
- Flameproof Multi Channel and Single Gas Monitors.
- Personal Multi Gas detectors
- Personal Single Gas detectors
- Portable Multi gas detectors for various combination of Gases
- Gas Detector Tubes and Pump for various Toxic Gases
- Calibration Gases and Accessories
- Portable Alcohol Breath Analysers
- 15 PPM Bilge Alarm Monitors
- Spares for various brands of Gas Detectors
- Supply of fixed system accessories like, Cable, Conduits, Junction box, Glands, Hooters, Flashers etc.